

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Corner Brook, Newfoundland, Canada

After Halifax, our next port of call was Corner Brook. I knew nothing about Corner Brook, which is the largest city in Western Newfoundland. It lies at the end of a beautiful fjord in the sheltered Bay of Islands. The Blomidon Mountains surround Corner Brook. 

The Bay of Islands was originally charted by Captain James Cook in 1767. Cook spent several weeks exploring this three armed fjord and named many headlands and coves.

I had no idea what I was going to do in Corner Brook so started walking into town from the ship, although there was a free shuttle bus.

I saw a sign for the Corner Brook stream trail so went for that. The trail was being repaired in places. It was quite pleasant alongside the river and in pine and deciduous trees.

Came to Glynmill Pond, now used for salmon.

Ring billed gull and American black duck

The route I wanted to take to continue the walk was closed, so I went back the same way, until I found the section they were repairing earlier was now closed off. So I had to take another route out. 

After a coffee and free wifi in Tim Hortons I headed to the Emporium to see Maggie the Newfoundland

On the way back to the ship I went into St John the Evangelist Anglican church, quite modern inside.

In the afternoon I took the free shuttle to Walmart, because I've never been to one before. I didn't want to buy anything. Back in town I went to a pub for a beer - note the Newfoundland on the glass. The beer is local to Newfoundland, not India!

Canadian flag with that of Newfoundland and Labrador -

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