

Saturday, June 20, 2020

Parakeets eating young shoots on trees

The annoying parakeets are back, feeding on young shoots in the morning and evening. They are a bird I detest simply because they are so noisy, constantly chatting very loudly. I am thankful they don't live near me. I really notice them in places such as Cator Park, where they are constantly flying around and chatting loudly.

In June 2020 there was an abundance of the parakeets in trees very close to me. I saw them in the spruce tree, eating the young shoots. I blogged about this in 2016, "Parakeet eating young conifer shoots". They would arrive in the morning, hang around for part of the day, and then be very vocal again in the evening, before flying off. They seem to have arrived earlier this year, probably around 10 June.

They are ring necked parakeets.

Thankfully by 22 June only one or two were around. Presumably whatever food source had attracted them earlier had now dried up.

In 2020 they were about 2 weeks earlier than they were in previous years.


The parakeets returned around Aug 7, arriving in the morning and evening for short periods. Thankfully they had virtually gone by the 19th. I'm always scared that they will move in permanently! 


The parakeets were around end of Sept for brief periods in morning and evening, but in small numbers.


Ring necked parakeets need trees for roosting. Their feet are not made for perching on ledges like pigeons. They breed in tree hollows.


In June the parakeets were back, eating the young leaves etc on the trees close to me. Unfortunately they didn't go away after a few weeks as they have done in the past. Quite a few stayed. Every morning and evening they sat in the trees and chattered, then would all fly off noisily in the evenings. I didn't really hear them during the day. I'm hoping they will go once the leaves have fallen.

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