

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Thean Hou Temple - Cheng Beng

Thean Hou is a famous temple outside of KL in Seputeh.

Cheng Beng, also known as Qing Ming, or Bright and Clear Festival, or All Souls Day is celebrated here. All Souls Day falls on April 4 2008, and for 10 days either side of that date, Chinese will go to the cemeteries to remember their ancestors. They clean up the graves and give offerings. They also go to the temples to give offerings.

See also terrapins at Thean Hou

© Liz Price
No reproduction without permission

1 comment:

  1. Remembering and transferring of merits to the ancestor and departed parent is the duty of a filial son/ daughter. It is not what some say praying to the ancestor. They are not gods, we don't pray to them. The food is for the hungry ghosts (respectfully called brothers) ,who ever they maybe, so that they maybe appeased and don't disturb the livings.
