

Sunday, March 8, 2020

Insects of the Amazon, Brazil

As I've already mentioned in my blog on the Amazon River, the main things I remember are the heat and humidity. And the insects that came aboard each night. Many passengers were worried about mosquitoes etc, but they weren't a problem at all, in fact I didn't see any.

The other memorable thing was the night sky. I spent a long time every evening up on the bow deck, looking at the sky and listening to the sounds of the forest. It was wonderful. Occasionally a flock of birds or troop of monkeys would make their presence known by their calls.

Every morning the ship had a good variety of stowaways. Here are some of them -

There were also lots of hidden critters making their presence known by their chirping and calling. I just hoped that they would leave the ship before we got back to a colder climate!


See the next blog on my Amazon cruise - Iles du Salut, French Guiana .

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